

    Nature of Sociology: In nature of sociology we investigate, what type of subject Sociology is? Is sociology a science, or an art or what? To answer this question  Robert Bierstedt  enlisted the following characteristics of sociology in his book “ The Social Order ”:   ·          Sociology is an independent science . Sociology like any other discipline have its own area of study and not fully dependent on other discipline. ·          Sociology is a social science not a physical science . Social sciences focus on various aspect of human society while physical sciences deal with natural phenomena. Thus Sociology is a social science as it deals with man and his social activities. ·          Sociology is a categorical and not a normative discipline . Sociology is value-free. It is only interested in ‘what is’ and not ‘what should be’ or ‘ought to be’. ·          Sociology is pure science and not an applied science . As a Pure science it is only interested in acquisition of kno


  MEANING (WHAT IS SOCIOLOGY?) The word Sociology is derived from the Latin word ‘SOCIETIES’ Meaning ‘SOCIETY’ and the Greek word ‘LOGOS’ Meaning ‘STUDY OR SCIENCE’. Auguste Comte, a French social thinker, is traditionally known as the ‘Father of Sociology’ coined the term ‘Sociology’ in 1839. Herbert Spencer developed his systematic study of society and adopted the word "sociology" in his works. With the contributions of Spencer and others it (sociology) became the permanent name of the new science. Sociology is not only a distinct science with subject matter of its own but it has also acquired that high status which entitles it to be called the “MOTHER OF ALL SOCIAL SCIENCES ”. Sociology has a distinct position among other social sciences. Sociology is the youngest of all the Social Sciences. It has own perspective and its own system of explanation of human behavior.  Prof. Ginsberg accordingly defines it “as the study of society, which is of the web or tiss


  JUVENILE DELINQUENCY WHO IS JUVENILE   A juvenile is a person who is under the age of 18. The age limit below which it should not be permitted to deprive the child of his or her liberty should be determined by the law. Juvenile can be defined as the child who has not attained a age at which he, like an adult under the law , can be held liable for his criminal activities. The juvenile is the child who is alleged to have committed some act or omission on the part of the child declared as a crime. Juvenile and minor in legal terms are used in a different context. The word Juvenile is used when reference is made to the young criminal offenders and the word minor relates to legal capacity or majority. To make the meaning more clear resort can profitably by made to some other source. The concept of the juvenile varies from State of State for convenience.   WHAT IS JUVENILE DELINQUENCY Juvenile delinquency is the participation by a minor between the ages of 10 and 17, in illegal a