A juvenile is a person who is
under the age of 18. The age limit below which it should not be permitted to
deprive the child of his or her liberty should be determined by the law.
Juvenile can be defined as the child who has not attained a age at which he,
like an adult under the law , can be held liable for his criminal activities.
The juvenile is the child who is alleged to have committed some act or omission
on the part of the child declared as a crime. Juvenile and minor in legal terms
are used in a different context. The word Juvenile is used when reference is
made to the young criminal offenders and the word minor relates to legal
capacity or majority. To make the meaning more clear resort can profitably by
made to some other source. The concept of the juvenile varies from State of
State for convenience.
Juvenile delinquency is the
participation by a minor between the ages of 10 and 17, in illegal activities.
When an individual deviates from the course of a normal social life his
behaviour is called ‘Delinquenct’. When a juvenile, below an age specified under
a statute exhibits behaviour which may prove to be dangerous to society and or
for him, he may be called a juvenile delinquent. Juvenile delinquents are those
offenders including boys and girls who are under 18 years of age. A Juvenile
delinquent is a young person incorrigible or habitually disobedient.
1. Running
away from home without the permission of parents.
2. Habitual
behavior beyond the control of parents.
3. Spending
time idly beyond limits.
4. Use
of vulgar languages.
5. Committing
sexual crime.
6. Visiting
gambling center etc.
Prior to the enactment of the
juvenile justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act,2ooo which came into
force w.e.f. December 30, 2000, the juvenile justice Act,1986 was the governing
law on the subject. Before this act was introduce w.e.f October 2,1987 the
Children Act, 1960 was operative through the country The States were, however
,authorized to enact their own laws for the care and protection of the
delinquent children and juveniles. A perusal of the working of the Children
Act, 1960(subsequently repealed by j. j. Act,1986) would indicate that greater
attention was required to be given to children who were found in situations of
social maladjustment, delinquency or parental neglect. It was deemed necessary
that a uniform juvenile justice system should be introduce throughout India
which would take into account all aspects of the social, cultural and economic
change in the country. India, being a signatory to the convention, drew up a
comprehensive uniform legislation to replace the ChildrenAct,1960 and the State
enactments framed there under .Consequently Juvenile Justice Act,1986 was
enacted which came into force w.e.f. October 2,1987.
Understanding the causes of juvenile delinquency is an integral part of
preventing a young person from involvement in inappropriate, harmful and
illegal conduct. Four primary risk factors can identify young people inclined
to delinquent activities: individual, family, mental health and substance
abuse. Often, a juvenile is exposed to risk factors in more than one of these
Individual Factors
Several risk factors are identified with juvenile delinquency. A minor
who has a lower intelligence and who does not receive a proper education is
more prone to become involved in delinquent conduct. Other risk factors include
impulsive behaviour, uncontrolled aggression and an inability to delay
gratification. In many instances, multiple individual risk factors can be
identified as contribution to a juvenile 's involvement in harmful,
destructive and illegal activities.
Family Factors
A consistent pattern of family risk factors are associated with the
development of delinquent behaviour in young people. These family risk factors
include a lack of proper parental supervision, ongoing parental conflict,
neglect and abuse (emotional, psychological or physical). Parents who
demonstrate a lack of respect for the law and social norms are likely to have
children who think similarly. Finally, those children that display the weakest
attachment to their parents and families are precisely the same juveniles who
engage in inappropriate activities, including delinquent conduct.
Mental Health Factors
Several mental health factors are also seen as contributing to juvenile
delinquency. In is important to keep in mind, however, that a diagnosis of
certain types of mental health conditions-primarily personality disorders –
cannot be made in regard to child. However, there are precursors of these
conditions that can be exhibited in childhood that tend to end up being
displayed through delinquent behaviour. A common one is conduct disorder.
Conduct disorder is defined as & quot; a lack of empathy and disregard for
societal norms. & quote; (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Fourth Edition, American Psychiatric Association, 2004.)
Substance Abuse Factors
Substance abuse is found in a majority of
cases of juvenile delinquency, Two trends are identified in regard to substance
abuse and minors. First, juveniles are using more powerful drugs today than was
the case as recently as 10 years ago. Second, the age at which some juveniles
begin using drugs is younger. Children in elementary schools are found to be
using powerful illegal drugs. The use of these illegal substances or the use of
legal substances illegally motivates young people to commit crimes to obtain
money for drugs. Additionally, juveniles are far more likely to engage in
destructive, harmful and illegal activities when using drugs and alcohol.
Prevention is necessary for such children. First of all, we should
identify such juveniles and thereafter give him treatment. They will become
habitual offender if they are not timely prevented from committing the offence.
The most effective way to prevent juvenile delinquency has indisputably been to
assist children and their families early on. Numerous state programs attempt
early intervention, and federal funding for community initiatives has allowed
independent groups to tackle the problem in new ways. The most effective
programs share the following key components. There are so many Jurists and
criminologists who suggested many provisions for the prevention of juvenile
delinquency. Some of the provisions are very useful for the welfare of the
juveniles and their development.
Delinquency Prevention is the broad term
for all efforts aimed at preventing youth from becoming involved in criminal,
or other antisocial, activity. Increasingly, governments are recognizing the
importance of allocating resources for the prevention of delinquency.
Prevention services include activities such as substance abuse education and
treatment, family counseling, youth mentoring, parenting education, educational
support and youth sheltering.
There may be two kinds of programmes for preventing the juvenile
Individual Programme Individual programme involves the prevention of
delinquency through counseling, psychotherapy and proper education.
Environmental programme Environmental programme involves the employment
of techniques with a view to changing the socio-economic context likely to
promote delinquency.
These two forms of preventive approaches are reflected in the following
strategies, which are adopted in crime prevention programmes.
I. Individual
a) Clinical
The object of this clinic is to provide aids through Psychiatrists
Clinical Psychologists and Psychiatric Social workers to help the Juveniles
delinquents in understanding their personality problems. Taft and England have
listed the function of clinics as follows
► To
participate in discovery of pre delinquents.
► To
investigate cases selected for study and treatment.
► To
treat cases itself or to refer cases to other agencies for treatment.
► To
interest other against in psychiatrically oriented types of treatment of behavioral
disorders in children.
► To
reveal the community unmet needs of children.
► To
cooperate in training of students intending to specialize in treatment of
behavioural problems
b) Educational
The impacts of educational institutions are very significant in the
countries where almost every child going to school and preventive programme can
be launched in an effective manner through the schools. Teachers should not
discriminate among the students; they should be treated equally and provided the
moral education which is very helpful to the students for their life stand.
Moral education is a significant factor for the students, which decide their
life. They should be able to understand the difference between right and wrong
ideas which are favourable for them and which are not.
c) Mental
This method is also helpful in prevention and treatment of Juvenile
delinquency. To prevent the mental conflict and to bring about a proper mental
adjustment in childhood and value of mental therapy in curing a mental
disturbance cannot be over-emphasized. The mission of life must be determined
and energies must be directed towards the fulfillment of the high mission.
Development of high sentiment and values in child also prevent Juvenile
Delinquency. In October 1944, on occasion of inauguration of the Indian Council
for Mental Hygiene Dr. K.R. Masani, the then Director of Indian Institute 72 of
Psychiatry and Mental Hygiene, said that the application of mental Hygiene was
wide and varied and in Education, Law, Medicine, Public health, Industry,
mental hygiene played an important role in preventing the delinquency and
d) Parent
Every community should ensure opportunities for parental educations,
which will help making good homes, improve family relationship, and education
and care of children. Some educational programmes inform parents on how to
raise healthy children.
e) Recreational
The recreational programmes are a good check on delinquency. Recreation
programs enable youths to mix up with other adults and children in the
community and develop friendship. Such positive friendships may assist children
in later years. Youth programs are designed to fit the personalities and skills
of different children and may include sports, dancing, music, rock climbing,
drama, karate, bowling, art, and other activities. It is believed that the
energies of youth can be very well channelized into pursuits like sport games
and other healthy activities, which would counteract delinquent among the
participants. The establishment of recreational agencies like sports,
playgrounds community centers, concerts drama, puppet shows are very necessary
for preventing the delinquency and developing social group work and youth
groups. In rural areas, recreational agencies should provide open air meeting
halls, playgrounds for sports and cultural activities. Youth organizations and
groups/agencies should take and assume the responsibility for organizing these
programmes so that Juvenile may be kept away from delinquency.
f) Removal
of inferiority complex
Inferiority complex, fear, apprehension may sometimes lead the child to
commit crime under wrong and misplaced belief/impression of proving himself.
Children deserve encouragement to become confident and good spirited person.
Discouragement pulls them behind in their life. They should be properly to face
various good and bad phases of life and their failures should not be
criticized. Praise cheer, sympathy and love should be showered to banish
inferiority complex.
II. Environmental
a) Community
The basic aim of community programme is to reach the people in need of
help instead of people approaching the workers and agencies. Another
significance of this programme is that the participation of the local community
is considered to be more important and role of professional leadership is
sought to be kept at the minimum level. Marshal B. Clinard has outlined the key
supposition of these programmes as follows:
► Local
people will participate in efforts to change neighborhood conditions.
► And
they do not accept an adverse social and physical environment as natural and
► Because
self-imposed changes in the immediate Environment will have real significance
to the resident and consequently will have more permanent effect.
This method can also be very useful in preventing the Juvenile
Delinquency. The newspapers, magazines, radio, television and motion pictures
etc. should show the juvenile delinquency in proper perspective honestly and
should also present real reports about the various wrong done by the juveniles
and analyze its true causes and also protect the juvenile against false and
misleading reporting. The actual position should be presented and produced
before the society about their delinquent behavior so that they may be properly
b) Parental
love and affection
Child needs unconditional, immediate and true love, care and protection
of his mother and father. On account of deprivation of such love and care the
child may develop frustration and dissatisfaction leading to crime. So parental
love, care and protection is very necessary for the child to prevent him for
committing or doing the crime. So parental love, care and protection is very
necessary for the child to prevent him for committing or doing the crime.
c) Family
Family factors which may have an
influence on offending includes the level of parental supervision, the way
parents discipline a child, parental conflict or separation, criminal parents
or siblings, and the quality of the parent-child relationship. Many studies
have found a strong correlation between a lack of supervision and offending,
and it appears to be the most important family influence on offending.
Exploitation of children has been a long standing practice. These
delinquent go through a lot of abuse which vary in nature as physical, sexual,
or psychological or as a combination. The abuse has a long lasting and profound
effect on a child’s life. The problem of child abuse is a serious one and it is
unlikely that it gets solved any sooner. Also the reason why this has prolonged
is that the society has affected the children in a negative way and in the
society there are factors such as family influence, social environment, mental
disorder and sexual abuse. This develops in young people low self-influence,
social environment, mental disorder and sexual abuse. This develops in young
people low self-esteem and they go through mental trauma which later correlates
with delinquent behavior.
What needs to be done is the question
that arises before us. We cannot uproot this menace but there are solutions to
keep a control on the problem of Juvenile Delinquency. In the best interest of
the delinquent he or she should be rehabilitated as early as possible and
integrated back in the society. Also the State must protect the rights of these
children and come up with reformative methods and instill in them values that
can socially uplifts them and give them a new found confidence so that they can
play a constructive role in the society.
A delinquent is the one, who fails to obey the laws.
‘Juvenile delinquency’ or the ‘Juvenile offending’ is the illegal behavior by
juveniles. If a juvenile commits crime, he/she will not be tried as adult by
court, but will be dealt with by the Juvenile Justice Board. The punishment is
mostly of reformative in nature. The other aspect of this is that there are
certain behaviour which isn’t considered as crime if committed by adults, but will
be considered as a crime if committed by juveniles. For example, if a juvenile
is uncontrolled by his/her parents and behaves in a way to endanger his/her
health or morale, he/she will be dealt with Juvenile Justice Board.
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