Introduction Beggary can be considered as one amongst the most serious social issues in India and need urgent attention. Despite of our country's rapid growth of economy, we are still a poverty driven country, leading to the increase in beggars of the country. Begging is very common, it’s a usual sight in India and we can see many such people on the tourist areas, the railway stations, the metro stations, and mostly the in religious places and in such areas, where we find a regular crowd. But, other than looking into the deep rooted problems of inequality, illiteracy, unemployment, poverty, skewed distribution of resources, our government with its strong arm of police, started finding the fault of the poor indigent people. Infect Prohibiting child beggary and criminalising forced beggary seems logical but penalising beggary with very heavy punishment does not. Begging is a social problem which has become a cause of serious concern. They can find no way out but to live on...