Social Disorganization

SOCIAL DISORGANIZATION Social Disorganization: Life is a process of continuous adjustment and readjustment. The social organism is always undergoing a change necessitating adjustment of its different parts. When the various parts of society are properly adjusted, we have social order and a well organized society, but when they fail to adjust themselves to the changing conditions, the result is social disequilibrium or disorganization leading to social problems. Since social disorganization puts the society out of gear, it has been an important subject of study in sociology. However, before we study social disorganization , it would be fruitful to study social order as its study is helpful in understanding the nature of social disorganization . The Meaning of Social Disorganization : Social disorganization is the process opposed to social organization . Social organization , Some Fundamental Concepts’, is an orderly relationship of parts. The significance of th...